Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday morning thoughts

 Up early on a Sunday morning.  Can't sleep, so coffee and my notepad it is.  I am a list maker and I am going to see how much on my list I can get done today.  I will admit that I put things like "Lunch" and "take a shower" on the list so at the end of the day I am not staring at a long list of unfinished "chores"  My husband says I overload myself and he may be right, but there ARE things that need doing, as well as things I want done, that just don't happen by themselves.

Before Biden was elected, I would open the news on my computer, wondering if the idiot in the White House had managed to start World War III yet. It was NOT for lack of trying  ( Hey Donnie, you FAILED at that task too)  Now I look to see if he has been indicted yet,  It will happen and , please God, that the evidence be truthfully heard and considered.  He and his criminal network will get the justice they deserve, I wonder who will flip on whom.  Rats jumping off a sinking ship. Yes, I am aware there is an element in this country  who, if the Orange Oaf stabbed their mother to death in front of them would support his right to murder her.  I knew a guy who was crazy and was posting on a website we both frequented about how Biden AND Obama and maybe Nancy Pelosi would be hung in the town square.  He was following a certain group  of "Prophecy Ministers" who kept moving the goal posts as the date for their reckoning came and went.  I don't know about YOU, but if my "religion" tells me to hate someone, I think I need to change religions.  This guy was constantly wetting himself, metaphorically speaking, on a page that was meant to discuss the music of ( ironically enough) the band America.  He made outrageous bets   THEN when he lost told everyone that the bet could not stand because Biden cheated.  Huh?  The whole premise of his "Big Lie" is that Biden cheated.  No one- and I mean NO ONE has produced anything like the scale of illegal voting as they are claiming and yet, they now say we must change voting laws to keep it from happening. Why not leave it as it was, you know, if it ain't broke don't fix it; but it is the only way they can see themselves winning in the next go-around.  The idea of actually having a platform that they can point to that would appeal to disenfranchised groups never enters their head.  After all Corporations are people....

If you are not reading the wonderful blog by Heather Cox Richardson "Letters from an American"  you should be,  She talks about a lot of things and brings a sense of history to the proceedings.

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