Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Politics and other things that tangle my brain

 Up early, headed into my office.  We are still working a hybrid and I really am looking forward to going IN more often.  My "office" for the past year has been squished into a tiny corner of my kitchen, that I SUPPOSE is supposed to be a dining room, but never has been.  I have always had my computer here.  It's just harder, with paperwork from my office in a plastic rolly-thing taking up pace.  I feel cramped.  Also there is the fact that I am ALWAYS working.  Work STARES at me and I sometimes feel the need to "Catch up" even when I am not on the clock.  I should not do that.  NO ONE should do that.  It gives the impression that you don't have enough work and they can pile on more.  I have enough to do in my 9+ hour day, thankyouverymuch.

I am watching the Republican party implode.  I am no big fan of Liz Cheney, but as I posted on one of the political sites I frequent, even a broken clock is right twice a day.  Cheney believes the lie that Reagan was the best thing that ever happened to this country, going so far as to advance the well believed theory that HE defeated Soviet Communism.  I believe that was Gorbachev -and HIS epiphany came, not in the hallowed halls of our government, but in a grocery store.  He finally saw that the things he believed were not true and it moved him toward glasnost.

But politics and the BS that is being pulled out by Trumplicans- let's face it they are a truth unto themselves here- is startling.  It would be funny if it weren't so dangerous.   They want so desperately to believe that they won, they can't take a step back to see why they lost.  I suppose the party that waves Lee's Battle flag cannot be expected to accept defeat.  I still see Trump as a cancer.  I do not ever say out loud a wish for evil to happen to anyone- those things have a way of rebounding- but I do wish Karma would hurry up.  Karma is, as the saying goes, not a bitch, but a sweet old lady who serves you the same tea you have been giving people for years.  She just needs to hurry up, before we are destroyed by stupidity.

Now, I hear that people think we will go to a single party, which can never be the case.  We need both sides of the political coin to be successful.  As much as I loathe to admit it, sometimes the Conservatives have a point.  My daughter and others of her generation are pushing for a third party, the Green Party has had a lot of success with the young voters.  We need young voters and people to be engaged in the process of governing this county.  We need fewer  Mitch McConnells  and MORE AOCs  This should be a time when they rise to claim their birthright in the governance of our nation.  

1 comment:

  1. Well, instead of a single party, I heard onthe news yesterday that more than 100 republicans are thinking of braking away and forming a third party of true republicans. Now, I have never been a fan of republicans. I have always seen them, starting with my Aunt fern, as smug, self-satisfied folks (older and white and bettr off) who's motto is, "I got mine, the hell with you all." But this CULT (and it is a cult) of trumpism - scary and dangerous. Scary. And now the January 6 "episode" was just what abunch of normal tourists would look like. Dear Lord.


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