Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Morning and I have a fuzzy brain

 For once, I was "sleeping good" as my Dad used to say, when the alarm went off.  I am trying to get up earlier, to work on my stationary bike and collect my thoughts.  I have to lose about 10% of my weight before they can do the knee surgery and I am woefully out of shape.  I blame pandemic laziness.  If I were still working in an office, I would be walking more, which frankly is the best exercise for someone with my health issues.  Alas not, and for a long time, I did not really venture out of the apartment.  So now, I am paying for it.  

We bought a new scale.  The old one was depressing me, until we realized it was massively inaccurate.  You could get on it and get off and step back on and have gained five pounds.  To be honest, it's not a people scale and I think it was not able to adjust to movement.  It's probably fine for its original purpose, weighing packages.  The new scale arrives today and I start over with "weigh-ins"  


Like most women I have a lifelong dread of weighing in and as I have gotten older have avoided doing so- which is probably why I weigh as much as I do.  Denial is not just a river in Egypt.  Still the workout regimen I have for myself is challenging but not killing me.  I think I am losing weight, Chris thinks I am losing weight ( and he would be able to tell more than I would) but we will see when the new scale arrives.   I am going about 5K a day at least on my stationary bike and trying to make 10,000 steps a day all told.  As I am still at home, that is an issue, but we walked yesterday, my "bad" knee screaming in pain.  I think it will get better as I train those muscles as well.

Chris signed up for "Noom" and he is using the program.  I am just cooking the program and following his diet.  Is that cheating?  Should I be paying for the Noom advice?  I don't think so since I don't use the service and am just doing the cooking and shopping for the family.  I could be wrong.

I've gotta jump on the bike.  I read my Kindle while I am biking, more motion than sweat at this point although I keep a steady pace.  I have to work today. Wearing myself out before the day begins would not be my best idea.


  1. I don't think you are cheating Noom, you aren't using any of the psychology, or the app., you are simply planning meals that I can eat, for us.

  2. Well, I agreen NOT cheating! Anyway, I want to know how Chris does with Noom. I have seen a lot of ads, and will be interested to hear more.
    Good luck, you kids!

    1. So far so good, 20 lbs in three weeks. It's not hard, nothing is technically off limits, but I'm making better food choices.


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