Friday, November 19, 2021

Drought of words

 I still have not been writing much, although I have a lot on my mind, when I actually sit at the keyboard, I am too numb to put words together in a cohesive way.  Grief and stress have a way of combining that paralyze the soul.

I talked with my doctor- a very kind and very smart man who has brought me back from the brink with my asthma, whose name is Dr. Hu , which is pronounced "Who"  Ok  I'm a geek but I get a kick out of that.  He agreed that stress can be a huge trigger.  Chris said I need two weeks at the beach, with nothing on my mind but the waves and maybe a good book.  Not gonna happen anytime soon, but it is something to think about.  I am planning for retirement, knee surgery and a trip to England and MAYBE Germany.  These are my dreams and darn it I am keeping my eye on them.  Hope springs eternal.

I have been watching the Kyle Rittenhouse news.  He's gonna skate.  It's a travesty of justice, but he will.  The judge is so sympathetic to the "poor kid"  Let me say this, he went there looking to hunt people and was surprise when his prey fought back.  Now he is playing the "protecting himself" card.  If he hadn't crossed state lines, armed with a firearm meant for hunting humans, he would not have had the need to "defend himself"  It wasn't like he was protecting his family farm or his grandmas store.  He thought he could get into a real life "Call of Duty"  and when he did, he found himself in over his head.  If the situation was so dangerous there, why were the only people who were shot, shot by Kyle?  Even the COPS didn't shoot anyone.  He killed two people, one of whom was trying to stop him from killing anyone else.  I have zero sympathy for him, but he will become a Far Right Hero and be paraded around by them like the prize pig at the County Fair, until he becomes a liability.  Enjoy your Momma's basement Kyle.  That is where you will wind up, although prison should be in your future and would be if you weren't  white.  If you had been a Black teen, there would not have been a trial at all, the cops would have shot you when they saw you with the weapon.

Did you see TFG ( the Former Guy) "sent his ambassador" to Serbia?  The guy went?  Geez.  Other countries are laughing at him.  His dementia has reached dangerous heights.  every day, he and his minion perform acts of treason.  They all need to be locked up.

I see slimy scuzzy dirtball Steve Bannon was arrested.  Too bad he was released pending his trial.  In his photos he always looks like he's been drinking all night and sleeping in his clothes for a week.  He needs a delousing and a bath.  Executive privilege, My Aunt Fanny.  I will say this again, there are no matters of National Security contained in the information regarding the attempt by Trump and his allies to overthrow the Government.  Except that all of them will be rightly tossed in jail when when everything comes to light.

I guess I had more to say than I thought.  I need to get my head into the work game this morning.  I will be working from home until I retire, apparently.  Chris bought me a new smaller chair which makes me feel les claustrophobic in the tiny corner of my kitchen.  I retire next June.

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