Saturday, November 6, 2021

politics, politics , politics

 I have not been writing much, if you noticed.   Chris and I are still reeling from the sudden loss of his mother on October 7.  Anna was a wonderful woman.  I always called her my "bonus"  I married Chris and got Anna as my mom.  My own mother died of Alzheimer's in 2004.  I think if my mother had lived, Anna and my mom would have been as thick as thieves.  Anna's sudden passing has us grieving and scrambling to get her affairs in order.  It is something of a mess.  If you are reading this, please send up a prayer that we get it all resolved with a minimum of trouble.  it's complicated, but thankfully there are no family squabbles going on.  We are all on the same page with this.  It WILL be ok ( positive affirmations!!!)

I am SICK to death of the childish behavior of the Republican Party. They want to block everything and prevent people from voting to promote The Big Lie.  Sad that people believe it with NO evidence, just the constant repetition of it  Joseph Goebbels was right.  If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

The whole "Let's Go Brandon" thing is just.... sad.  Poor Brandon Brown has a promising career ahead of him , now he has been dragged into the stupidity of some people in the Republican Party.  I saw ( but did not read) that NASCAR is doing something about it.  Keep on Keeping on Brandon. I am not a NASCAR fan, but seriously people....

I saw the gathering in Dallas, waiting for JFK and JFK Jr. to  appear and declare Trump the winner and announce that John would be his running mate for 2024  May I state the obvious?

  1. John F Kennedy died in 1963 He is not being kept alive in some secret location and he has not had a miraculous recovery from being shot in the head
  2. John Jr died in 1999. See above remarks- his plane nose-dived into the ocean.  No one survived the crash. they found his body and he was cremated and buried at sea. not coming back, no.
  3. the Kennedys are DEMOCRATS- maybe the Right is confused with that Representative from Louisiana, John Neely Kennedy.  He would probably be glad to be on the ticket with Trump, so maybe those Trump/Kennedy banners can be reused .
The insurrectionists are getting sentenced to prison, but I think they are getting off cheap.  I think they should ALL be forced to be deprogrammed.  Maybe that group that Pence supports to "deprogram " gays might be repurposed to assist people who swallowed the Trump Kool-Aid.  

Speaking of Pence, what do you think HIS political chances are now   ( Snowball in Hell?)

The Infrastructure Bill is on Joe's desk awaiting his signature.  Wanna bet he doesn't use a freaking Sharpie to sign it?  I wonder if he will have a media event surrounding it, or just sign it and move on.  There is a lot on Joe's plate. 

Worst President ever?  Keep believing that.

I know a lot of Right-wingers who are blaming Joe for everything, obviously they are not economists but here was the good news:

  • Employment numbers are up.
  • Medical science has developed a pill that is over 90% effective in treating the Covid 19 virus in infected people.
  • The January 6 Commission is issuing subpoenas right and left (lol) and some of Trump's inner circle are giving up the goods.  
I have to ask, why is Trump fighting so hard to keep his information from that day and days leading up to it a big ol' secret?  Innocent people would want all the truth in the light of day.  I highly doubt there are questions of National Security, ( aka secrets from the Ruskies) that are contained within.  and WHY didn't the Secret Service put Trump in a secure location?  He was partying it up in the Oval Office when it was all going down.  I wonder how long it will take for a staff member who took videos to release it to save their own skin?

Time will tell.

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