Saturday, February 5, 2022

Wondering aloud- Republican Party thoughts

 In no particular order, follow my meandering mind into the rabbit warren that the Rethuglican Party is.

  • I see Mike Pence has FIANLLY said something in response to Trump.  Did Casper Milquetoast FINALLY grow a spine, or does the Koch Brothers PAC have their hand up his back?  If I recall correctly, one of the Koch Brothers is dead, so it's only a Koch Brother making that sock puppet move his mouth.  It's a case of too little-too late there Mikey Boy   UNLESS of course he is cooperating with the January 6 Committee- what a DELICIOUS thought THAT is.  Pence knows where the bodies are buried.

  • Steve Bannon accused Pence of "ratting Trump out"   Well, I have watched enough mob movies to know that "ratting someone out" means telling the TRUTH on someone to the authorities.  Slips of the tongue are aplenty these days as the truth begins to do its thing.  I find that lies will ultimately crumble.  the truth will always be the truth so it can bide its time.

  • Trump admitted in writing and in speeches that he was trying to overturn the election.  Think about that for a minute.   Good   Treason is defined as:
            The offense of betraying one's own country by attempting to overthrow the              government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.

Do you think this meets the guidelines?  

  • If I am reading her correctly, Rona Romney McDaniel believes the insurrection and all that went down on January 6 in the Capitol building was "Legitimate Political Discourse."  So, I guess she would have no problem if a group of  "ordinary citizens" chose to break down the doors and smash windows at her headquarters while she was deciding to whether to pay Trump's legal bills or not.  No problem at all with them  bear-spraying her security team and beating them with anything they found handy?  Just fine with them pooping in the hallways and smearing it all over the walls and her desk?  I wonder if her blood ties to Mitt Romney ( who I am not taking issue with today, since he seems to have his own fence straddling to do in regard to all this) got her the gig in the first place.    

  • Seeing everyone line up behind Trump, you have to wonder two things.   Are they giving out lobotomy coupons at RNC conventions?  Just  WHAT does Trump have on all these people to make them get down on their knees before him?  Do you really believe that BS or has Trump conned YOU into selling your soul for power he can no longer give without the help of  HIS Master.  

  • I LOVE that "W" as I call the second Bush , is giving the maximum allowable donations to all those  with an R after their name who voted for impeachment.  Good for him.  I didn't care for him and I thought Dick Cheney might have been a wee bit too involved in his decisions, but I never thought him evil or intent on destroying our Republic.  

  • While I am not a fan of Liz Cheney- I'm a bit too Liberal to go along with the Republican Platform in MOST instances- I admire her and Adam Kinzinger for their willingness to bring truth to the surface.   Why is the Republican Party so afraid of the truth?  I want to know the truth, whatever it is.

  • Since he is so "Christian" I wonder if  Trump is familiar with the verse John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free".  Someone needs to tell him it is not "Work makes your free" ("Arbeit" translates to "work" )

You need to know that although I am a FLAMING LIBERAL DEMOCRAT  I do believe that we need to hear the more conservative take on things to make decisions that will be the best for all the people.  HOWEVER  I do NOT believe that banning and burning books- as they are starting to do- is the "solution"   AND when you think the Nazi's deserve a seat at the table, you just lose the argument altogether.

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