Monday, September 26, 2022

Meanwhile, I'm still thinking

 I am up on the Oregon coast for three weeks, giving a hand to my sister who broke her right arm.  She is doing pretty well and on track to be able to fend for herself when I leave her on the 12th.  To say I miss Chris is an understatement. It IS beautiful here, but I miss my fella.

I have been following the news and am worried about the new Republican "platform" in essence it mimics and takes credit for The American Rescue plan.  Apparently, the Republicans had an original thought once, but it died of boredom.  Not so fast, I suppose- they are going after Medicare and Social Security- gonna eliminate those "pork belly" projects and make the lazy people WORK for a living.  They label it "Socialism" a scare word the conservatives have used to terrify the masses from Time Immemorial.  Social programs that benefit the common man are somehow an anathema to the Party Of Fiscal Responsibility of whatever misnomer they are currently calling themselves.

I see they have also vowed to impeach Biden.  On what grounds? you ask?  They don't have them, but I am sure they will make up something. Perhaps he eats his peas with honey.  This is an obscure childhood reference to Dudley Dooright who needed to go on a secret spy mission in one episode and needed to be publicly expelled from the Mounties. He was so perfect this was all they had on him:

"I eat my peas with honey. I've done it all my life. It doesn't make them taste better, but it keeps them on my knife."

I digress.

The Democrats seem to be focused on getting things done.  The Mid-terms are getting nastier, and The Former Guy is in the news cycle like mad.  I DO LOVE that the DOJ has given in to his request only to have them backfire on him.  He and his attorneys are not as slick as they think they are.

The hearings resume on Wednesday.  This ought to be good.  Jaimie Raskin is totally fired up and now that she is on her way out, Liz Cheney has the gloves OFF.  I hope I have enough popcorn.

I will say this again, I have no quarrel with a conservative POV if we can discuss it and have a meeting of the minds.  Those who embrace conspiracy theories and think The Former Guy is the Son of God?  well, I have issues with you.

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