Monday, October 3, 2022

Missing Anna

 a year ago, a lifetime ago, we were together, laughing and getting ready to go to see "my boys" the band America in Reno.

We traveled together often and always had a pretty good time or some "interesting" adventures.  This trip was no exception and despite a few bumps and a flat tire, we managed to have some fun.

I thought her being tired had to do with her diabetes, not her heart. Two days after we parted company, she was gone.

I miss her every day.  

Still, I am grateful for the time we had.  The pain of losing someone is the price we pay for the joy of their love.

I often think of the lines from the Bob Dylan song " You're gonna make me lonesome when you go"

"But I'll see you in the sky above

in the tall grass

in the ones I love.

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go"

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