Monday, January 2, 2023

Resolutions and other New Year thoughts

 I am not one for New Year's recriminations or resolutions at this stage of the game.  Years gone by I would , like most people, on NYE review my year and look back over it and try to make sense of what had gone wrong and where I could "improve"  Now?  I look at what went right and realize that the future is in the small, everyday moments, not the grand ones.

When I was a teen, I read a book called " a Crack in the sidewalk" about a young girl who grows up poor and finds her way to happiness.  A lot of teenage books were like that, written to give us angst-y teens hope that we are the heroes of our own story.  In it, on NYE, the sisters are making "resolutions"  for the family, including the "disabled" brother ( probably Down Syndrome, but it is not clear what is wrong with him)   They say that he resolves to be happy- which he always is anyway.    I think it's a good resolution.  

So this year, I resolve to be happy.  I resolve to remember to turn my frustration and anger on its side and look at the situation from a different point of view.

I read a quote -supposedly from a Buddhist Monk- that went something like "Everybody wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom do the dishes."  the article went on to say that small acts of kindness have repercussions in the world and while you may not rescue someone from a burning building, you may rescue them from burning down themselves.  I like that idea.  Doing small things that may make someone's life easier, even for a moment. Practicing this, I hope kindness becomes a habit rather than an exercise.

I am waiting for the Stealth to fly over my house to start the Rose Parade.  Every year, I secretly wish for the torrential downpour we can have to show those people "Back East" it ISN'T always sunny in what my dad used to call Pasadinky.  Someone pointed out that our horrible weather has NOTHING on what they are currently digging out from  in some parts of the county.

True dat.

So, I will warm up the tv ( boy isn't THAT something we used to do!)  And get myself settled on the couch for a bit.  They show the parade all day here- at least until the game.  I gave up watching the Rose Bowl years ago, I have no idea who is playing.

Happy 2023.  I'll be back to my political rants tomorrow.  I  downloaded the entire report and need to read it.

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