Thursday, January 5, 2023

Kevin McCarthy's Flying Circus

 If, as the saying goes, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, then the Republicans in the 118th Congress are full-tilt bozo.

We watch as Kevin McCarthy parade's his naked ambition on a national- or international- stage.  At what point does he realize they just don't like him.

He needs to give up, hand off to a likely successor and be done with it. He has been chasing this dream since 2015 when he lost famously to Paul Ryan.  

It does not look good and even the Former Guy ordering his people to vote for Kevin isn't working.

Here's what I think about the whole batch of shenanigans

  • They knew this was something they needed  to work on BACK IN NOVEMBER , after they won the House.
  • if THIS is an example of his "leadership abilities" then they are in serious trouble.  
  • Kevin couldn't organize a sandwich, let alone herd the cats that are the current not-yet-seated members of the House.
  • They are trying to blame the Democrats for not voting for a Republican.   Right. Like THAT should happen.  You can't get your own House in order and are whining about the opposition party not riding to the rescue to save the mess.
This does not look to end well for the American People.

There is a whole faction of the Republican Party who exist to create chaos.  They are there for sound-bite, to get their name in the paper and their moments on Fox "news" shows.  They got elected by people who knew their names and had seen them on their tv screens. They sell fear and distrust of your neighbor, not improving things that need attention in this country and the world.
In his raw quest to be the #3 person in American Government, Kevin McCarthy is promising them EVERYTHING they want.  I am particularly amused that he has promised to change the way a speaker can be removed.  Do you think for one nanosecond that the minute he gives them all their plum assignments and whatever else they want, once the House is seated, that whack-job from Colorado won't rise to remove Kevin?  I swear the goal here is to STOP the Government (apparently, she believes we are saving money buy NOT having the Congress operating,  Maybe her business acumen is why her restaurant failed)

So we wait.  We are into ten votes and ten losses.  This beats the record set in 1923.  The last time we went without a functioning House, the Country was at War.  It has to be tiring and frustrating for people who actually want to do their jobs, but are being held hostage by a small but unhinged faction of the right who did not learn anything in 12th grade Government class.

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