Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Tuesday Morning

 Politics.  Again.  Today, the Congress will convene and Kevin McCarthy- the man so completely OWNED by Trump, he famously calls him "My Kevin" ( and if THAT doesn't make your skin crawl, check your pulse, you may be dead) Kevin will try to sell what is left of his soul to try to become Speaker of the House.  

May you have the luck you deserve, Kevin.

Politics is a hornets nest, IMHO.  I admire people who can work in the political world and still be human ( I'm looking at YOU Adam Schiff)  I wonder why people get into politics?  Probably one of two reasons, to make a difference or to wield power. The bulk of the current Republican Party DEFINATELY leans toward the latter.  I suspect they are being paid handsomely by whatever master they serve for selling both their souls and their constituents to the highest bidder.

Lying seems to be the norm and when you are caught you simply cite.. oh.. "alternate facts" or whatever freaking excuse that George Santos from New York is spouting.  I hope his community mounts a recall.  NOW.  I see now that they know where he IS, Brazil is reopening his fraud case.

Still, I hope they broadcast the disarray in the House today.  I hope the Democrats sit by and observe, like well-behaved spectators at Wimbledon.  I hope the good people who elected these buffoons on the Republican side of the Aisle get to see what Junior High School Student Council they have making laws for them.  

And I hope whoever they elect receives the same lovely treatment from their own party that was given to Nancy Pelosi.  It give me no joy to see people eat each other ( except maybe former BFF's Marge and Pistol packin' Lauren. I think I'd pay cash-money to see that smackdown)  I hope we are seeing something like growth and change.  I hope, but am fairly sure this is a vain hope, that we are seeing the end of Trumpism ( politics of name-calling and lying and division instead of unity for a common goal)  I often wonder what Eisenhower would have thought of the party he once led?  

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