Sunday, September 23, 2012

Writing. Day One

Like a lot of people, I guess, I always wanted to be a writer.  Turns out , it's harder than it looks!  Recently, two successful authors passed on a bit of advice that I suppose everyone hears "If you want to be a writer- WRITE"  I haven't been writing and frankly I miss it. So ( takes deep breath) here goes.

I will try to post something, every single day, even if it's only a few sentences.  I invite you to follow along on my journey back to being a writer- not becoming one, because I already am; I have just forgotten how to BE one.  I hope to make you think or make you laugh and I might, on occasion, make you angry.  Comment away, I will try to take your comments in the spirit intended.


1 comment:

  1. Writing was never something I liked, which is why I'd like you to do it. Then maybe we can write some beautiful music together.


Comment Away, but please be respectful!