Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday morning musings

I am sitting in my kitchen, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing.  I should never be asked to do anything until properly caffeinated.  I see that I am a day behind in writing something, but Friday's unexpected early morning call from a friend in far-away England used the time I had set aside to write and I didn't get home from the baseball game until after midnight , so that was that.  I figure I can just write a long bit of what I am thinking about today to make up for it-;)

It's Sunday morning and quiet here at Casa Myers.  I am easing into the day,but there is a lot on my plate.  I am waiting for it to be 8 o'clock, so I can get my laundry into the machine.  Living in an apartment complex is different than living in a house.  When I had a house, I could do laundry at 10 at night- and sometimes did.  Now there is a time constraint, and some of the neighbors don't share the machines.  There are only two of each.  I usually have a lot of laundry, but if I see a neighbor is waiting I only use one machine.  There is one unit, I don't know which of the three people living there does this, but they take up ALL the machines for hours.  It's rude. These people act as if they are the only ones with dirty clothes.  I cut the ones with little kids more slack.  I remember what it was like when the baby has NO clean clothes because she has made some kind of mess on every outfit she owned. I work a forty hour week.  My commute is one hour each way Monday through Friday.  By the time I get home, if I hurry AND if I make all the lights, I MIGHT be able to get one load in before the time to use the laundry room is up.  There is a time limit, as the room shares wall and ceiling with two units ( Isn't there a song by Paul Simon called "Apartment House Blues"?  "One man's ceiling is another man's floor')    Most of my neighbors are pretty nice and I am luck to count a few of them as friends.

We went to a baseball game Friday night.  I know that people who know my husband are shocked that he went to a ball game, but I LOVE baseball AND someone gave me seats, so why not?  There is nothing better than sitting in Dodger Stadium on a warm early autumn evening, enjoying a Dodger dog and watching some well-played baseball.   Both teams managed to keep it exciting, even if the Rockies are in last place,both teamed managed to turn a few double plays and the Rockies outfielder made a leaping catch on the bleacher walls to deny the Dodgers a run.  The score was a pretty lopsided 8-0 but the club was celebrating Tommy's birthday ( for those of you who are not Dodger fans, that would be long-time manager and all around nice guy Tommy Lasorda)  Tony Orlando lead the crowd in a rousing "Happy Birthday" to Tommy.  In true Tommy form he waved to the crowd and wiped away tears.  The thing I always loved about Lasorda was that you could really see his big heart.  Love him or hate him, there was no pretence with Tommy.  What you see is what you get.  At the end of the game, fans were let out onto the field to watch an extended fireworks show, celebrating Tommy.  It was outstanding!

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