Monday, October 1, 2012


Well, it's officially autumn here in So Cal.  That means that the temperatures go from a balmy 70 to the low 100's.  It's OCTOBER for crying out loud and they are saying it's going to be around 100 today. Seriously, we still have the AC on in the bedroom.  The thing keeps me awake at night, when it switches on it makes this huge THUNK noise.  Maybe it's my imagination, but it's above my head, so I do hear it come on.  It's one of those dilemmas, do I try to sleep in the heat or do I turn on the AC?  I am ready for cooler days. I want to cook warm meals and bake biscuits.  I want to wear sweaters.  I have had enough of Summer.  When I was a kid, Summer could have gone on forever, the long lazy days of having fun, staying up late in the heat wasn't terrible if you could sleep late in the cool of the morning.  Now, I get up at the crack of dawn, tired from lack of sleep. Cranky. I sleep better when it's cold.

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