Thursday, October 4, 2012

asthma attack

I have adult onset asthma.  it's been a while but last night I had a big scary attack.  Here's how it went.

I woke up coughing, feeling like I had just swallowed a large fuzzy ball and I was trying to cough to get the ball out of my mouth .  I was sound asleep, so I was a bit befuddled.  I realized.  I am NOT breathing.  What the??   Shoot, asthma attack.  Where is my inhaler?  On the nightstand, but it's been a while since I needed it, I hope it works.  One puff, two puffs.. Hold onto the medication, see if it's working.  Yes, a bit of relief. I can feel my chest relaxing and expanding.  I sink back down on the pillow.  Chris by this time is wide awake and starring at me.  I am ok, I tell him, just an asthma attack.  

They wear me out.  I can't imagine being a  little kid and having this happen.  It's scary as an adult, and I know what is happening and what to do about it.  It's going to be a shaky day for me today.

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