Saturday, October 27, 2012

Coffee and relief

 It's early on Saturday morning and I am home again, sitting at my computer drinking a strong cup of Joe and thinking about this last week. Those of you who know me know I have been worried sick about my daughter, Kate and the fact that she was facing surgery.  I am pleased to report, that after a two  hour surgical procedure, she is home and ( hopefully) resting comfortably.  The surgeon, bless his heart, tried to show me some of what he did.  I was interested, sure, but the cutting was too much for me.  I could not divorce myself from the fact that this was my baby girl I was looking at.  She will be ok thought and that's the main thing. It was a heck of a trek.  I made three complete trips to 29 Palms- a 150 each way.  I love my daughter.  We have had our ups and downs, but I never ever stopped loving her.  I need to make two more trips to complete this medical journey with her.

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