Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Reading" while driving across the Desert

I really don't like driving across the desert at night, but that is exactly what I was doing last night, listening to a book on cd.  I am two cd's into it and STILL don't know if there is a plot.  The book is"The Unbearable Lightness of scones" is an Alexander McCall Smith book.  I just know there are a few people I don't like.  I guess I listen to too many murder mysteries.  I keep waiting for the shallow bride to get whacked.  I am hoping "The Hobbit" on cd will be in when I get back to work tomorrow.  I have read the Hobbit, but that was  years ago when I was a teenager.  It was ok, but someone told me there is a subtle humor in the book.  I am sure as a teen I missed that.  I am looking forward to hearing it.

I am driving back and forth to 29 Palms over the next few days.  My husband thoughfully made me a cd of music to help me stay awake when I am on a solo drive.  It's three complete trips back and forth.  Crazy, but at least it's autumn and not like driving across the surface of the sun.  October is nice out here, like April is nice out here.  Those are the only months where the temps are not so extreme, in my mind.  Too hot in the summer and bitterly cold in the winter.  It can be beautiful, last night the sky was filled with stars.  I KNOW the stars are always there, but we do not see them in the city.  People do not realize how COLD it gets out here.  There is sometimes snow in the higher elevations.  IT even snowed here once.  When my parents first moved here, they got snow the first winter.  I remember my mom being fit to be tied.  They had moved from New York to escape the snow.  She called me, just beside herself.  When I could get her to slow down she said "he moved me out to the g. d. desert and it's g.d. snowing!"    We get snow sometimes up where I live too, but it's a rarity rather than the norm.

If the book I am "reading" ever really gets  a plot, I'll let you know.


  1. to bad I don't live close by . I love to drive and I would gladly do it while you read me " the hobbit " and feed me quiche for breakfast.

  2. Come out here, I'll feed you quiche for breakfast. I make a mean quiche!


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