Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Writer's Block

Sitting in my kitchen, trying to keep my promise to write SOMETHING every day.  I've got nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  So what do I write about?  that's right!  Writer's Block.  I wonder how writer's actually do this, create characters and stories.  I used to write more; bad poetry short stories so bad that they weren't worth the paper they were written on.    Never anything really sell-able, but I guess it was more for the process of creating something, of putting what was rolling around in my head down on paper.  I wonder if it is possible for me to come up with a story and a character and follow them to a logical conclusion.  I love writing what's called "Flash" fiction.  A REALLY short story that is more a sketch than a story.  I may try to do some more of that.  If I do, and I think it's worth a shot and IF I think it's worth sharing, I will add it here.  as of now, there is still nothing!

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