Once again, I am up early making something to eat for dinner- yea, spaghetti and meatballs are in the slow cooker. It's going to be a long few days and I wanted to leave Chris some decent food as I head out to 29 tonight - then BACK to LA Wednesday then out to 29 Thursday. I am tired JUST thinking about it. But I love my daughter, so these things must be done. Coffee and 5-hour energy is my new best friend.
I got into an argument with someone that George McGovern would have been a supporter of Romney/Ryan based SOLELY on the throw-away remark that he wished he had understood how business works before going to DC. HUH? Newsflash! The man was a LIBERAL, a label conservatives use as a curse- as if caring about others is a BAD thing. Since Senator McGovern is dead, he can't refute those who are trying to co-opt him as one of their own. Sheesh. I am not saying all conservatives are not passionate about the environment, or the public good, but the ultra-right seems to think that if you don't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, you are lazy. I had to LAUGH when I read that Romney's folks had a GOVERNMENT HANDOUT upon their return to the US. His mom did an interview where she talked about how it helped them get back on their feet. THAT is what it's supposed to do- help you through a rough patch. It's just that her son seems to have forgotten THAT part of the family history. I will say this again. I will be glad when the election is over and all the nastiness associated with it can settle down some. I like my conservative friends. Having a difference of opinion is one of our basic rights. I don't like it when it defaults to name calling. Did you miss that part of debate class? Discuss, add facts with passion, but name calling only looks bad on YOU.
Amen Robyn !