Monday, June 10, 2013

Random Monday thoughts

Today, I am thinking about my grandmother, Emma Benedict Seckerson, who was born June 10 1888.  Her mother Nellie ( whose real name was Helen, of all things)  was a midwife who was working for a  well-to-do family whose surname was Benedict.  They insisted she stay with them until my grandmother was born.  To honor them, the baby was given their surname as a middle name.  My grandmother did not have an easy life.  My grandfather was killed in a car accident in 1929, just before the stock market crash that began the Great Depression.  She had three children to raise at that point.  Her three sons died when they were children.  She gave me a love of reading.  She was a fine artist, apparently the Seckersons worked in the pottery industry in England and I remember my mother telling me they did the painting on the china.  They were from Stroke-on-Trent.  I know almost nothing about that area, but hope one day to visit England and the family we still have there.

Manners, the Butler!   My mom used to say that all the time, I have NO idea what it really meant, but to me it was a signal that I was out of line, manners-wise.  So, lately I have been pondering things like:

Do you invite people into your home or office and then EAT in front of them and not offer them anything?  I have had the occasion recently to have this happen.  It's weird.  People traipse into meetings these days, bearing all manner of food and drink and happily chow down.  I was even at a meeting where there was food set up and people helped themselves, I was not comfortable asking if I could grab a cup of coffee or something and the host did not offer.  Uncomfortable?  You bet!

Texting and WALKING.  Forget texting and driving, I have had more trouble with idiots who are testing and walking.  I was coming down the stairs at the subway station and this twenty-something was walking across the floor and started up the steps, eyes GLUED to the little screen.  I made a noise so she looked up and GLARED at me.  HEY  watch where YOU are going!  I gave her my best Mom-glare and she shrunk back.  Never underestimate the power of a good mom-glare.

1 comment:

  1. great story about your grandmother :) and good reminders on manners :)


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