Wednesday, June 12, 2013


It's been a while since I took a real vacation- the last few "days off" have been for family obligations and while I appreciated some of the aspects of that time, I really didn't 'vacation" at all.  So, here are my plans for the next twelve days:

Sleep past 7 a.m.  When you get up at 5:30 every morning, this really DOES constitute "sleeping in"

Read.  I have a few books that are waiting to be read and if I read all of them, I know where to find more!

Take pictures.  Chris got me a new camera for my upcoming birthday. It's MINE!  BWAHHHHHH   I can't wait to start using it.

See old friends and new ones.  Part of the plan is to visit with  people, including ( hopefully, if we can make it work) one of my very best friends from Elementary School.  We reconnected online.  Don't you love how that works?  I also hope to meet some of Chris' old friends, whom I have not yet had the chance to meet ( I hope they approve of his choice of wife!)

That's it.  No grand schedule except for places we need to be each night.  Lazy days.  Picnics by the lake or at the beach.  Sleeping, reading and recharging my batteries.  The last few weeks have really drained my reserves and I need some down time.  I  hope to come back with my focus clearer.

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