Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I have been struggling with a choice I knew I needed to make.  I have come to my decison , and as the song goes, "it's one of the painful kind"  NO don't panic, Chris and I are still happily married ( whew)  It's another break-up with a long term association.

For the past eight plus years, I have served on the Board of the McGroarty Arts Center.  There is a system in place for Board Members to "Cycle off" after a certain time of service is complete and it's my time to either stay or go. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which was a terrible personal attack by one of the Board members, I have decided it is time to move on. I love what McGroarty stands for; Affordable Art education for everyone.  I just no longer wish to be a part of the day to day operations of the Center.  It's hard, because I have given a lot of my time and my heart to the changes that we made, but I think those changes are going to be overlooked and the direction changed to one that is a much more narrow focus than the one we had envisioned.  I hope I am wrong, but at this point, I do not have the energy to devote to what I see as another battle.

I will fulfill my professional commitments, including the dinner party fundraiser.  I sent out some initial invitations to folks I thought might like to join us but if you really want to come let me know!  Come October, I will have more time to devote to my next adventure.  Stay tuned....

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