Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday meanderings of my mind

Spent last night "helping" Skylight Books move thier Art and Architecutue  Annex to their new space.  I like to think I am uniquely qualified for this, as I have move probably more libraries than anyone in the countrry   It's always a fun process, but my broken toe, really hindered me doing too much physical work.  I did get into an interesting discussion with someone about the mixed feelings one has upon moving.  He said he didn't understand feeling a bit angry about the process.  Moving can be a bit like a death, I suppose and if you are not ready for the feelings of nostalgia, you can go through the stages of grief.  In this case, this person was thinking of a co-worker who helped get the original space organized.  The co-worker had passed on and I think the move brought up unresolved sorrow at the loss.  Moving can be cathartic, burt sometimes you do through a range of unexpected emotions.  Weird but true.  I like to talk to people while moving, about the joy of getting into a new place.  It helps to move on.

So, dinner at our house; a fundraiser for McGroarty Arts Center.  I think we have six people for the event, and three who will get dinner later.  What REALLY bums me out is all the people I sent invites to who didn't even bother to respond with a "thanks but no thanks"  or.. anything.  One person I see quite often didn't answer me at all and I am kind of , well, wounded by that.  I know I shouldn't take it personally, that people don't always read their email and that this is not about me and that I need to focus on the good and on what to serve for dinner!  Lasagna, my signature dish, and......   We will see.  I need to talk to the people who are coming to see what people like.  I never serve a meal without checking likes and dislikes of the guests.  Since I am allergic to nuts, I ask about food allergies too or special dietary needs and tailor the menu accordingly.  It's a challenge to my "skill" as a cook and a host.  I am looking forward to an evening of food and conversation.  It's always lively around out table.

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