Monday, July 8, 2013

Why is it Monday already?

Where do weekends go?   Is time really relative and does it really speed up the older we get, or does it just feel like it?

I spent a good deal of my Saturday ( note I do not say "the better part of Saturday" because it kind of sucked) at Kaiser, waiting with about 60 other people in the cramped Urgent Care waiting room.  The diagnoses?  A "slightly broken" toe.  Huh?  The doc must have been tired.  "Slightly broken" is  like being a little bit pregnant.  Either it is or it isn't.  In this case, it is.  It is currently being close "buddies with the baby toe and will be for about two weeks.  I have about four weeks until it heals and I am SUPPOSED to try to stay off it for a while, which is why..

On Saturday afternoon, I spent most of the day in the kitchen making a long promised dinner for friends.  I had promised Shawn chili and he sounded so enthusiastic about it I just couldn't let him down.  I made Chili, corn bread, honey butter and a salad, along with chicken strips ( home made and fun to do on my pizza stone of all things!)  Dessert was chocolate mousse.  We enjoy having friends in our home and the night made up for the crummy day I had been having.

Sunday, I sat around with my foot up and watched TV.  I seldom watch that much TV.  I was really annoyed by some of the commercials.  What is it about commercials these days.  They try to shock or titillate, I suppose.  I remember when they just tried to SELL you something.  On my list of pet peeves:

The Beyonce Pepsi commercial.  Could she BE more annoying?  Does anyone notice when she takes a BIG slug of Product, there is NONE on her mouth.  uh-huh.  Her lipstick doesn't come off on the can.  Right.  And WHY do the mirrors break when she dances?  I thought they only broke if something were BAD, apparently she is so bad-ass she shatters glass. 

The Bertoli  "Date night" commercials.  There are two versions, one with the man cooking one with the woman cooking.  They are a "married couple" having a "Date"   it's supposed to reconnect and rejuvenate their relationship, right?   Isn't that the whole theory behind having a "date" with your mate?  So WHY WHY WHY do they just TEXT each other?  They are sitting two feet apart.  They TEXT each other?????  I can see the problem here.

Time to get my Monday game face on.  Hopefully the day will go smoothly and we won't have too many problems.  It's gonna be a hot week.  Welcome Summer!

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