Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday morning musings

I am sitting in my kitchen, trying to figure out how to get through today on 5 hours sleep.  Coffee and five hour energy drinks, perhaps.  We had a really good time at the fireworks event last evening.  We were "support crew" for the show adviser ( read "go-fers")  It was a lot of fun.  The weather was perfect and I really enjoyed the vantage point.  We were sitting directly under the display, close enough to see them lighting the charges.  It was very cool.  What I did NOT enjoy was what I did to my next-to-baby toe on my right foot.  I appear to have broken it.  It's purple all over and at a weird angle.  It hurts.  I ran it over with the massive gate  WHO puts wheels so far out on a gate?  I wasn't paying attention.  It hurt like the dickens ( what does that mean anyway?  It hurts like READING one of Charles Dicken's novels; he was paid by the word and it shows IMHO)

What do you CALL the next- to-baby toe, anyway? Certainly there must be a name for it?  My education in toe etymology is sorely lacking.

I hope everyone had a good Fouth of July.  I think about the men and women- YES WOMEN- who founded this country.  We always hear about the Founding Fathers, but women had just as much, if not more, at stake in the fight for independence.  We almost never hear about women and what they did, except for Abigail Adams ( whom I admire) and Martha Washington, sometimes you hear about Molly Pitcher, but that's about it.  I suppose that the contributions of women were considered not to be "significant" perhaps they subscribed to the notion my grandmother had about "ladies names appearing in the Press. "   "A woman's name should only appear three times; her birth, her marriage and her death."  Yep.  That's it.  I prefer to think that "Well behaved women seldom make History"  I wonder about the average woman during the Revolution.  It could not have been a life of ease for any of them.

I am off to work, bruised and painful toe and all.  Happy Friday!

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