Friday, July 26, 2013

Superwomen- fighting back

I know a couple of amazing women and this morning I just want to take a moment to give them a shout out!

Cindy Alexander.  Not only is she just about the nicest person I know, she is a HUGE singing/songwriting talent.  She's the mother of two rambunctious girls ( twins). Today she is fighting cancer; kicking it's but and having a double mastectomy.  Cindy has been posting HER upbeat thoughts, so today, keep her in your thoughts.

Debbie Tilch.  I went to school with Debbie's husband and have become Facebook friends with her and her family.  Debbie is also kicking Cancer's butt.  I admire the strength and courage with which she faces her opponent.  I know she will beat this.  Her husband is also facing challenges, so maybe this shout-out goes to both of them.

Pam Eisenberg- another FB friend who will be going "Over the Edge" for autism tomorrow.  They are repelling off the Raddison Hotel near the airport.  This amazing woman is a true warrior for her child and for educating us all; dealing with the challenges of autism.

Ladies- you ROCK. You all inspire me to do better, to do more.  I am blessed to know you.


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