Monday, June 3, 2013


I seem to know an awful lot of people who were born in June ( myself included)  We June Bugs are a pretty terrific lot  you must admit  ;)    I am thinking of two of my friends, who have crossed over who would heave celebrated birthdays today.

Teresa Gonzales, who was the biggest Cubs fan you could hope to meet.  Happy Birthday, girl!  I am sure wherever you are,the Cubs have won the pennant,    I miss seeing you in the halls at Central and laughing with you. 

Maggie Costa, a friend I never met in person, only online.  We had a mutual love for the band America, so in the words of the song.  "funny I've been there and you've been here and we ain't had no time to drink that beer." I am sorry we never got the chance to meet and see the"boys" together.

Today, I will be thinking of these two wonderful women and trying to remember that life is fleeting.  I will try to celebrate their passion for life and remember the joy that came because I knew them.

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