Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day, the day we remember those who died protecting our country and our freedom; and while it's good to thank those who are serving, it is important to remember that this day honors our fallen.  So this morning, as I sit in my kitchen, I am thinking about those who never came home.  My father talked about comrades who were killed in World War II.  He thought of them often.

It got me to thinking.  I was anti-war during the VietNam era, but not anti soldier.  I wore a POW bracelet, something many of us did.  The name on my bracelet was Captain Clifford Fieszel.  He was declared Missing in Action, although initial reports from the Viet Cong claimed they had him.  I think of him, someone I never knew, and wonder what happened to him. How terrible for his family, never to have known.  I hope someday, the remains of those who died there will be returned so that they may be honored properly.

So today, before you light up the BBQ and pop open that beer, take a moment to think of those who gave their lives for this country.  Those men and women who paid the ultimate price and whose sacrifice was not in vain. 

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