Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Elections and other things

I am up early, as I am working the polls today.  If you  live in the City of LA- PLEASE VOTE. It's important.  Even if we don't agree on the choice of Mayor ( I  am going for Garcetti, more because former Mayor Dick is pushing Wendy and as a City employee, HIS agenda scares me.)  Who ever is elected has a LARGE mucky stable to clean out after four years of AnVil ( I love the Downtown News' sobriquet for our current Idiot in Chief. )  As a City employee, I still have hope.

It's a long day  6 a.m. to around 9 or 9:30  I have coffee and a five hour energy drink for late in the day.  I am sure I will be talking about the experience tomorrow.  It's almost always a positive one ( I did have one time when the inspector was TERRIBLE and I had to call for backup.)  The people I am working with today are the same folks I worked the primary with. Nice people.  

GO VOTE ( and if you have voted already- THANK YOU!)

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