Saturday, May 25, 2013


My daughter is twenty-five, almost twenty-six.  In her lifetime,there  has always been cable.  Computers were small and are getting smaller everyday.  She had a cell phone when she was thirteen.  Cars have GPS built in.  The radio looks for your station AND tells you what song is playing.  Technology is a constant in their lives, they take it for granted.  So WHY is it SO FREAKING HARD to get kids of a certain age to LEAVE A MESSAGE when they call you?  Seriously.  I forgot to take my cell off "stun" and when I looked I saw I had a missed call from her.  Called her back and left a message asking her to call me but my cellphone is the spawn of Satan these days and it turned itself off.  Missed another call.  No message.  I am guessing she called me on her break, because when I called her back she did not answer.  I left HER a message confirming our plans for this week and asking that she call me back.  This was a moderate problem.  I HATE it when I miss calls from her and there are no fewer than SIX in rapid succession; again NO message.  Now I am frantic, in Mom mode, picturing her stranded by the roadside or in Emergency or something heinous.  Heart in throat I call her back to be greeted with a breezy "Hi Mom, I figured it out" or  "what temperature should I cook the chicken at?"  COULDN'T you leave me a message so I don't go into warp drive?

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