Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reading the good parts of the news

It's been heartening to see the news about those three kidnap victims freeing themselves.  You have to wonder what kind of fiends these three brothers were to be able to imprison them for so long.  Too bad we can kill these guys, resurrect them and kill them again . I think the same thing about the Boston Bombers, BTW- and think they should ship the body of the one back to the mother in Russia and let HER deal with it.  He was so anti American, he doesn't deserve a bit of our soil covering him.  I'm sorry.  I have compassion for people of other faiths as long as the way they live their faith does not try to destroy other people who don't believe as they do.  Don't get me started about those West borough "Church" idiots.  That's not a church, it's a hate group with some kind of weird agenda hiding behind the church. 

But those women who freed themselves deserve kudos.  I wonder how they were kept hidden for so long.  There was an article about other famous kidnap victims. Jaycee Dugard, who received 20 million from the State of California, set up a charitable organization to help other people in similar situations.  Way to go!  She sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders and has surrounded herself with caring people.  Good for her.  The article I read was really kind of sad when it talked to Elizabeth Smart, whose religion taught her that since she was no longer a virgin, she was worthless and would never be married.  I am sure that contributed to her mindset, that she might not have tried to escape because of it. I think she worked through those issues within her faith.  She has married and become a spokesperson for others in crisis. 

These women, who by freeing themselves from captivity have freed themselves from being victims and should now be considered victors. 

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