Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday , are you trying to tell me something?

It's FRIDAY, finally!  I thought it would never get here.  Another Fun filled week at work.  ( The fun never stops at the Fun Factory)  I shouldn't complain.  I actually like my job, most of the time.  There are days I would chuck it all to live under a bridge, but mostly I enjoy the process of getting things repaired.  This morning, however, it's all I can do to talk myself into doing another eight hours.  I broke a glass in the dishpan and neatly sliced my finger on a piece I missed .  Argh!  Can I JUST go back to bed and start over?

It's funny, but I am at the end of my career and as we get closer to retirement, the  old-timers ask each other "how much longer do you have?" as if it were a prison sentence and not something you worked hard to get!  I think I have six or seven years.  I have to have that meeting with the retirement people soon.

Planning on going to see my very funny friend, Julian Michael, this evening.  He is performing at the Downtown Comedy Club, actually he is HOSTING the show this evening.  He always makes me laugh.  Check him out- he has a few things on youtube, but he is NOT the exercise guru - that's Jillian Michael.

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