Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday morning...

Long day ahead of me and the new sleeping tablets the doc gave me did two things; I didn't sleep any better ( I keep waking up WIDE awake every two hours) AND when I did sleep I had vivid nightmares. ( Can I get a meeting with Brian de Palma,? I've got some story ideas for him)

I see where Prince Harry  is touring the east coast.  It must be hard to be born into a "job" where about 50 % of the people think you and your family should go away.  As an American, I don't think much about the Monarchy, but I think the new generation of royals will make some real changes in the system.  Personally, I like the public personae of Will, Kate and Harry.  They have the "common touch" and  at least by all appearances do care about things.  They are not just up in the balcony rattling their jewelry.  They are in the trenches.  I heard they refer to the family business as "the Firm"  It's one way to look at it.  I wonder what that must be like.  I had a friend, a LONG time ago, whose father owned a very successful car dealership.  His father let him "play" with his dream of being in the music business- I think he gave him two years to do something- then he told him if he wanted to inherit, he would need to learn the job and it was time to do it.  He made my friend work every job at the dealership, learn the business from the ground up.  Smart move.  It gives you perspective and compassion if done correctly.  I assume my friend is running the show now, although we lost touch years ago; the dealership is still there with the family name on it.

I can't WAIT for the mayoral election to be OVER!  I am disappointed that both candidates chose to tramp through the mud-bogs  during these final weeks. Please, I would prefer you remind me why I want to vote for you in the first place, not why I don't want to vote for your opponent.  If I am undecided, I look at who is doing the nastiest mudslinging and vote for their opponent.

I see the IRS got caught targeting certain groups for audit.  Well, well well, THAT is going to make them even more beloved, isn't it.  They need to take a look at the tax collection system and make changes to it.  It's not right when the really wealthy pay less of a percentage than the average working stiff.  If you just paid a percentage, period and were done with it, no deductions or loopholes, I wonder what the outcome of that would be.  People will argue that there won't be any charitable donations and people with large families will have problems, maybe we can look at that, but  the tax code is HUGE and confusing and we need to make it much simpler.  This probably won't happen in MY lifetime, but you never know!

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