Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday night

Boy I am a barrel of FUN!  I have been sleeping on and off all day long.  No idea why but I feel crummy.  I was NOT out drinking last night, just up at 5 and fell into bed around 2 a.m.We went out last night with one of our neighbors to go out for dinner and a show at the Downtown comedy and Blues club.  It's been a while since we went there and longer still since I have been on Spring St.    I used to work on Spring in the early 80s and again in the early 90's  It's become "Yuppified" but still holds the air of shabbiness that people seem to think of as "hip"  The club used to be on  rth and Main, now in the old Alexandria Hotel on 5th and Spring, which I remember as a flop house and drug haven.  It still reminds me of that, but I bet the rooms that are apartments are pretty cool. I don't know though.  I used to know the guy who owned it, but have no clue if his kids still own it or they sold it.  It is weird. When I asked where the bathroom was, someone from the Comedy club actually walked me down the hall to one of the restrooms.  He told me that the place was haunted and yeah it is.   We had dinner at a Mexican place where the food was decent, nothing that makes me say "oooh YOU have to try this place" but it was nice to sit outside and have dinner on a warm spring night.

The show last night was hosted by a friend, Julian Michael, who is one very funny guy.  He started the night out singing with the band and I was really impressed.  The band was the Deacon Jones band ( NOT the football player who played for the Rams in the 60's)   They were pretty good.  The comics were only mildly funny, Julian always makes me laugh and he did again.  The "warm up" comic was better than some of the "acts" and the headliner was just NOT funny to me.  She was bombing and she knew it and took time to pick on the white faces in the crowd as being "uncool and not getting it"  I GOT it, alright, but I stopped laughing at toilet jokes in first grade.  Here's  a clue; threatening people to make them laugh is not funny.  I won't go out of my way to see her again. 

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