Monday, May 6, 2013


I read a meme that said "if every day is a gift, I'd like to know where I can return Monday"  Yep.  I seem to never be ready for it, when the alarm goes off in the morning. Monday.  Again.  It doesn't help that the weekend was a blur of feeling blah and going to an event that was just plain.. weird.  I need to process the things that happened, both verbal and nonverbal encounters with people I have "known" in some way for the past several years. I need to figure out what it all meant and how I will respond in the coming weeks.  When I do, I will post about it at the appropriate time.  If you are dying of curiosity, message me.

Who ordered this rain, anyway?  Last week it was a million degrees and today it is raining!  Welcome to Spring in California. 

The Mayoral election is coming up in a few weeks.  Whoever wins will have the interesting task of explaining how we went form "OMG the City is going to file for bankruptcy any minute now" to  "oops we have a surplus of 119 million."  How did THAT happen?  Did they "manufacture" a crisis to slam  the workforce with "Austerity measures"?  Yeah. They did.  Is anyone surprised about that?  I don't mean to go all "conspiracy theory" here, but local politics is a shell game.  The City workers, more than any other issue is held up as the problem.  Our salaries are just a small part of the budget but it's the BIG bugaboo when it comes to making any kind of cut.  For the record, I took a salary CUT last year to work for the City of Los Angeles, when they knew all along there was a surplus, otherwise what are we paying those budget people in the CAO's office to do?   If they keep it up, I will be paying to work there.  You lose bright young people if you don't pay a decent wage to begin with.  Commitment to public service only goes so far and it doesn't put bread on the table.  If they "fix" the pension system as they claim they need to I will NEVER be able to retire.  I will be rolling my walker down the halls at Central Library until I am 85....

Happy Monday.

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