Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Writer's Block

I made a promise to myself to try to write something every day, but I have not kept that promise; although I do write often it's just not every day.  I struggle with what to say and sometimes the news is NOT helpful.  I was heartened by the news that tobacco growers are turning to garbanzo beans.  That's good   I LIKE garbanzo beans.  Hummus is yummy and I like them roasted.  I am allergic to nuts and roasted garbanzos are a nice nut-like snack.  But is this something people want to read?  I doubt it. I try to be positive, although I speak "Sarcastic" fluently and sometimes the snark overtakes what I want to say.  It's been a trying week already. Yesterday, a homeless patron was found dead at one of the libraries.  It appears to be natural causes, but it's distressing nonetheless.  I hate to say this, but this sort of thing happens more frequently than we realize.  It makes me sad to think of people dying alone on the sidewalk.  I wonder about the man's family, if they miss him and are looking for him. It's just a sad thing.

Changing up my meds to see if the ringing in my ears is caused by the medication or something else.  The noise is annoying.  I have been trying to get a handle on some of the anxiety I am feeling by listening to music with my MP3 player.  I don't play music that other  people can hear in my cube.  I think it's somewhat rude to be blasting your music in the office.  My musical taste may not be for everyone.  I have been listening to the wonderful Jeff Larson, whose music is so soothing and energizing to me.  He is quite a find- another "gift" from the band America, who I say are my favorite band.  I love them.  I know their music is not for everyone and I have had a polite disagreement with a friend who is a real music aficionado and I appreciate his take on things.  He just doesn't "get" 70's "California Sound" singer-songwriter music.  As my dad would have said "that's what makes it a horse-race"  America has introduced me to many of my favorite musicians, including the beautiful and talented Cindy Alexander and Jackson Browne.  YES I saw Jackson OPEN for America in 1973 at  the Hollywood Bowl. Just Jackson and his guitar.  He was ( and I hate this word) magical.  I still remember "Song for Adam"  that was the one that got me.  It still does.

Looking back at this I guess I DID have something to say.  I guess the way to conquer "writer's block is just to start writing something- ANYTHING-and see what comes out!

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