Monday, May 13, 2013

It's Monday

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  I got a phone call from my daughter, calling me on her lunch break from work.  It was nice to talk to her.  I was missing MY mom like crazy the past week, some Mother's Days are rougher than others and this one for some reason was unreasonably difficult.  We didn't do much, tooled around Tujunga looking for something to store all of my husband's mike stands.  Didn't find anything good, but we will keep trying.  It was nice to finally go into that little antique store on Foothill.  He has some nice stuff, but nothing I was looking for. 

On Friday, we met a friend for dinner in Glendale at a place that serves Georgian -style food.  It's called the Old World Restaurant.  The food was good, but I think the owners did not know what to expect when the three of us walked in.  They seemed... confused that we were there.  Given that the place got good reviews in Westways recently, I wondered at the reaction.  The person who waited on us was probably an owner.  When we were leaving she said "I like you.  You should come back"  We probably will .  The food was pretty good.  I am still longing for the Georgian Eagle dish we had in San Diego.  I found a recipe and will be fooling around with it in the near future.  I will let you know how it turns out- or not!

On Saturday, because I am involved in a union and because we need to become more politically active as part of our affiliation with a larger union, I phone-banked for Eric Garcetti.   I made 97 phone calls. I was there from 10 am until about 2:45.  To say it was tiring is an understatement.  The room we were in had some sort of electrical problem and the bank of lights behind me would flare up for a few minutes then go dead.  This happened all day long.  It made me somewhat cranky, as my eyesight is getting worse as I am aging.  Thank goodness I brought my reading glasses with me.  I HAD thought I was going to be walking the precinct.  I was ready for that.  Phone-banking?  Not so much. The funniest thing I heard was a voicemail message, pretending to be the phone company giving the disconnect notice.  The only problem was it was NOT the standard voice, so I knew it was faked.  Good idea though.

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