Friday, June 20, 2014

Music videos and Friday ramblings

The Library made a "music video" recently.  A lot of staff participated in dancing to the song "Happy" by Pharell ( go here to view it  )

It was fun and silly and it really showcases the Central Library. It says "Look at how much fun Library people are!  We are not the stereotype you believe us to be.  Come on down and see what the library has to offer."  But a few people are grumbling about it.  Wasting tax dollars?  Excuse me?  It's a few moments out of our workday.  I know I was on my break when I filmed my bits.  Quite a bit of the filming was done in the early morning, before the real work day and the work shift started.  Now people are worried that some government waste watchdog will publish some kind of exposè  on the library.  Seriously, it's not like we are cracking bottles of champagne and drinking on the job. It's not like we do this every day. We are just having a bit of lighthearted fun, showing off the building and it's biggest treasure, our staff! 

Last night I dreamed I was in a band called "Paper Cameo"   Weird.  I don't know what we did, but I woke up thinking it was a cool name for a band.  I am NOT a musician, by any stretch of anyone's imagination.  I like to sing and have fun doing it but I have neither the talent nor the discipline to take it to the level past my kitchen ( where I do an awful lot of singing while I am cooking)  Maybe it was being in the video that did it.  I am in another music video you can see "America and Friends at the Ventura Theater"   I was in the front row, against the rails and I am "dancing" and singing along.  I wound up in a few shots, as I knew they wanted to get people enjoying the show and I did my level best to ignore the camera not look into it and do the "Hi Mom" thing that a lot of people around me were doing.  That too was fun!

I am looking forward to a three day weekend.  I took Monday as a holiday, as for me- it IS!

1 comment:

  1. There was YOU! There was Diane! Actually, instead of government watchdog waste, I was just so surprised that I have only been gone four years and I knew so few folks!
    Time marches on, eh? But it was cute. Tom


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