Friday, June 13, 2014

Post dinner party thoughts

I have some pretty smart friends.  This week, for Chris' birthday, I had a few friends in for dinner and conversation.  It was fascinating although it DID make me realize just how much I don't know about things!

We got into a discussion about "A Streetcar named Desire" and whether or not it could be updated.  The consensus was that Antebellum  New Orleans was a major character in the film and if it WERE updated, it would not be the same thing.  I DID discover later that Woody Allen's film "Blue Jasmine" is an updated version of the play, but as I don't really LIKE Woody Allen, I never saw it.  I think I need to see both the classic film and the Allen movie at some point. 

Talking with my friends about language and film just made me realize how much more I need to learn about things that interest me.  I don't feel "stupid" when someone talks about things I know nothing about.  I sit and listen and make a note of things I want to look into.  There is so much I don't know!  My Dad used to say "You learn something new every day"  If you stop learning, you stop growing.

Things ARE getting better here at Casa Myers as some of the stresses of our lives have begun to smooth out.  I love having people in our home, sharing a meal and conversation is one of my favorite things to do.  I love it when my friends, who have never met, become friends at our dinner table.

1 comment:

  1. You really do need to see "Blue Jasmine," if for no other reason than to watch Cate Blanchett's performance. She truly deserved that Oscar - I mean, she knocked it out of the park. The Streetcar connection is sort of tenuous, but it is there. Another performance was her younger sister, portrayed by Sally Hawkins - WOW! Tom


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