Friday, September 5, 2014

I'm supposed to care?

The "cult of celebrity" is getting to me these days.  Really, the news is all gaga about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie getting married.  Well, it's about time, I suppose.  They have, what seven or eight kids?   What's the point at this juncture anyway?  The media fawns all over them, they dredge up his failed marriage and talk as if the ex wife is still in the background somewhere, waiting for him. If Jennifer Anniston were pregnant as much as Star magazine said she was, she'd need a MUCH bigger house.   I don't actually READ Star, or People or any of those magazines that tell us breathlessly about every aspect of celebrity life.  I see them in the grocery store check out line.

I'm supposed to care about the every day minutiae of the lives of the Kardashian Family?  That whole thing seems to be a train-wreck, they are famous for being famous, much like the Gabor sisters were; their only "talent" was for getting their photo taken at celebrity driven events.

 I knew someone once who was so consumed by the celebrity "news" that she really thought she could walk down the street in Hollywood and meet famous people.  She would wander the streets for hours, peering at people to see if she recognized them from television or the movies.  I think she was convinced she would meet George Clooney  in the local Vons.

Well, I don't care.  I do wonder if these people love the attention so much that ANY press is better than being ignored.  I wonder if  a quiet, "normal" life is such an anathema to them that they will do anything not to be consigned to one. 


  1. I actually liked the Gabor sisters better than the Kardashians! As far as Angelina and Brad, I like them and I admire them and I am glad they got married - oh, Robyn, it's only SIX kids! Silly girl!
    As far as celebrities, back in the 70's (oh, so long AGO!) When Beverly Hills actually was a smaller town, one could occasionally walk on the streets and into stores and see celebrities. I saw saw Joanne Woodward shopping for Halloween cards at the local Hallmark once, and Paul Newman waiting for her outside. I saw Fred Astaire on the street once, and Natalie Wood with her daughter looking at Miss Piggy posters. (Who was the bigger star there!) My coup is once seeing Audrey Hepburn (gasp, sigh!) in a fabric and pattern store.
    BUT - that was along time ago, and no one would have approached or intruded.
    So, even though you and I disagree about Brangelina, we do agree about the Kardashians.
    And, I suppose, about the whole cult of celebrity. Tom

  2. P.S. And, really, Robyn, you didn't like Eva Gabor in "Green Acres?" Eddie Albert, Arnold the Pig, etc? What was not to love there! Tom

  3. oh Tom, I really liked Eva Gabor, SHE did have some talent. As far as the Gabor sisters, they never claimed to be anything but great beauties who married well, they were, "exotic" Green Acres? Not so much, even Arnold Ziffel couldn't save it for me. I think Arnold was the smartest cast member, however.


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