Thursday, September 25, 2014

Welcome to the world, Robert Benjamin

My grandson was born a week ago and I am just now getting down to think about what has happened and what this means to me.  There is nothing like holding the child of your child, staring into hi eyes and seeing all the people you love staring back at you.  Robert is named for his maternal great grandfather  and his maternal grandmother- as I was named after my father.  Of course, I think he is perfect and wonderful.  I have been here at the house the whole time, doing my thing in the kitchen,  I know my daughter appreciates the help and I try to stay out of the way, as much as I want to swoop in and take over, I realize that this is their time to create their family.  I just pray that one day all of our scattered family will be able to be together again.

So Robert, welcome to the world.  I am looking forward to seeing you grow up.  As I gaze at you, sleeping so peacefully in your basinet, I marvel at the gift that you are.  Already, you seem to know your "Mimi" as I want you to call me.  You settle down when I hold you and cuddle you against me.  I love you, child, in ways you won't understand until you have a wee one of your own.  We are going to have some grand adventures, you and I.  I love you.

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