Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Sometimes I just sit down and things that I want to talk about magically appear.  Sometimes I sit and stare at the screen. Today is one of those days.  Nothing pithy or insightful seems to come to mind.  Admittedly, I have been preoccupied with a fine young man whom I love with all my heart.  The little guy has stolen my heart, as I suspected he would.  It's been a long time since I had anything to do with a newborn, and boys are different than girls.  Still ,I can settle him down.  He falls asleep fairly easily for me.  I guess it's my zaftig self he loves.

I am out here for another few days.  Leaving him will be hard but the kids are doing a good job with tag team parenting.  I will probably do a lot of prep cooking, sauces and such, and leave it in the freezer for them.  I make some pretty good sauces!

it's peaceful here for the moment; everyone is sound asleep, which is a good thing.  I have to go back to work next Monday, I wonder if they missed me!   It seems like the Department did not implode while I was gone, but I suspect that my co-worker who has been taking my calls will be happy to see me!

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