Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Past, Present and Future

I am still out in 29 Palms and will be through the weekend.  I have to go back to work on Monday.  I am going to miss the kids and my little Squeaker like crazy.  I know I shouldn't call him Squeaker, those sort of names seem to stick.  My husband was nicknamed "Charlie Brown" by one of his cousins as a baby and a LOT of his family still call him Charlie; one cousin in particular thinks his given name is actually "Charles".

I am sitting in what I think of as my Mom's kitchen, at her dining room table, thinking about her.  I have been sleeping on the roll-away bed, which as a kid was a big treat to do.  It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned that this was her bed at home.  That she slept in an alcove in the apartment with her mother and her stepfather.  She was paying the bills, but was relegated to a bed in the hallway.  It makes me sad to think of her that way.  She and my dad did everything to make sure we had what they didn't.  I don't think I was as grateful then as I am now.

Last night I got to spend some quality time with Bobby, as we are starting to call him, l.  The kids needed to go out for a bit, so Mimi and Bobby hung out.  I have forgotten how sweet it is to cuddle an infant of your chest and have them fall into that deep untroubled sleep of a newborn.  Bobby is a good sleeper!  He's a wonderful baby, very easygoing, so much so that the kids are already talking about another one- in TWO YEARS- but another one.

My former English teacher, Don Wulffson posted on my Facebook page something to the effect that we are never as close to God as when we hold a new baby in our arms.  I have to agree.  Whatever your faith or beliefs, you believe in the power of miracles when you hold a baby.  In their eyes, you see all that have come before them and a glimpse into the future.

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