Thursday, October 23, 2014

Haunted Houses- and why I don't go

I see two girls are suing Universal Studios because one of their "actors" used inappropriate language toward them.  humpf.  Seriously, it's a FRIGHT Night, not Unicorns and rainbows night.  HOWEVER. I had an unpleasant experience when my daughter and I went through a maze there once- it wasn't even Halloween.

We went to Universal for the day and decided to go through this maze thing that was related to the movie, "The Mummy".  There was a small sign on it saying you could not touch the actors.  That should have been enough warning to me, but I missed the subtle you-are-in-for-it inference.

It was pretty cool, with some trippy mazes, but one room was seriously disorienting and I had to help Kate out of the room.  We emerged and while she was trying to get her bearings, we were accosted by an actor playing Imhotep.  He menaced us and we screamed and tried to get around him.  No dice.  Kate was about twelve or thirteen at the time and still shaky form the effects of the spinning room. She started crying.  I stepped in front of her and said "ok.  You got us.  Let us by."  Nope. He continued to block our path.  My daughter was bordering on hysterical.  I got in HIS face and started yelling at him.  I shoved Kate past him and shouted "GO"  I whirled on him and started yelling that her should leave us alone.  He continued in his antics.  I was in FULL Mama Bear Mode.  I believe he must have thought we were two teenagers, the mask covered his eyes quite a bit. and I  was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a baseball cap.  I was also much more "petite" than I am now. BUT the yelling should have clued him in.  I believe there is some kind of rule ( I know when the Library does them, there is) that if someone asks you to stop that you DO.  Several other people asked me what happened and when I explained, agreed that was not cool.  It IS a good thing I read the sign at the entrance, because I was THISCLOSE to going "All Pacas" on him. I was still spitting fire when we left the attraction.  I marched over to guest relations and told them I wanted to file a complaint.  The woman was surprised when  I agreed to put it in writing.  One of the things I suggested was that this person be given some type of retraining- even though I really wanted him busted back to "Sneeze-guard wiper". I did not ask for compensation, nor did I think this person should be fired for this. A week later, I got an apology and two free passes.  The apology was enough for me.  I did not go out and hire a high priced attorney to resolve the issue. 

Even as a teenager, I did not enjoy the Haunted Houses that were all a rite of passage.  It's not funny to me or pleasant to be frightened.  I don't enjoy slasher films nor anything with creepy clowns.  Clowns themselves give me the willys.  Call me a chicken, but that's how it is.  Halloween was never my favorite holiday, even if there WAS chocolate involved!

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