Sunday, October 19, 2014

More dreams

So last night I dreamed about eating shrimp, every counter in the kitchen and the dining room in the house I was staying in was covered with platters of shrimp in various forms.  I was eating it, but not enjoying it, more the thought that I had to eat it because I had cooked it all and it was going to go bad if I didn't eat it. I looked it up in a "dream dictionary"  It said:

"To see or eat shrimp in your dream suggests that you are feeling overpowered and insignificant. You feel like you want to hide from the world and be left alone for awhile."

Well, THAT'S right on.   I am struggling with something I don't want to get into in print, but the result is that physically I am falling apart.  Not sleeping is the worst. It's  a tease.  I fall SOUND asleep for an hour or so, then am WIDE awake for an hour or more.  I don't want to toss and turn and wake my husband, who doesn't sleep well most nights anyway.  I need to get a handle on this situation.  I am trying to "let go and let God"  It's not my style, certainly, but I have tried all I can.  Only God can do this.  I give up.

Yesetrday at the parade, I got into a little tiff with an overly zealous "Christian" pamphleteer. I put Christian in quotes, because his behavior was not following the teaching of Christ.  He offered me a tract that said something about " Will this be your last parade?"  I said "No thank you."  I always say no thank you, I am polite.  He shoved it at me and told me I needed it.  I told him ( showing him the cross that I always wear) that I AM a Christian.  He started yelling at me, in the middle of the street that I should take his tract and give it to someone.  I told him I wasn't going to do that.   Now, I ask you,  is this the way to get people to listen to your message?    I am much LESS interested in what you have to say if you get up in my face about it.  I am not about to go around handing out pamphlets to someone else anyway.   I am not a church-goer. I never found a church that "spoke" to me, but I have faith and have been leaning heavily on it these days.  it was just a weird encounter in a series of bad things that happened yesterday.

So maybe today, I will hide out under the covers, read a book, watch bad television and try to get myself back on track.  The last month has been stressful and I am doing my best to cope. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Robyn, and here I am, I finally dragged my sorry ass out of bed at the CRACK OF DAWN! (OK, 8:20) and actually went to church. I cannot actually claim it was a great service, but I am glad I went. And then went afterwards and bought more Halloween lights - see, covering all bases. However, I completely agree - my parents had a friend who was a "GOOD CATHOLIC!"" Drive me nuts.....very judgmental and critical and whom I had to deliberately drop after the folks died. She would have shoved tracts in our faces had she had any. To me, religion is a very personal thing, one keeps it in one;'s heart, and lives it as best one can. Now, about this shrimp thing....................well, what wouldl Jesus do? HA! Tom


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