Friday, October 17, 2014


Last night I dreamed the Chris and I were staying in a hotel in Mexico.  We were on the top floor, but weird things kept coming through the drains and dropping from the ceiling.  There was a tiny wolf that came up the drain.  At first it appeared to be wax, it was a light yellow color and about the size of a small knickknack.  But when I looked at it, it came to life. I looked up "wolves" in a dream dictionary and it said it symbolizes victory, but the wolf as a puppy symbolizes a nurturing spirit.  Okay.  The other part of the dream was iguanas who kept dropping from the ceiling.  They would come through a hole that wasn't there before and would disappear after they dropped through.  The dream dictionary says iguanas symbolize fear, but I think my reaction to them in the dream is more to my liking.  I opened the door and shooed each of them out of the room.  I like to think my subconscious is telling me that I've got this, that I can face and conquer what is bothering me.  I really don't know how much I believe in the symbols in dreams and whether the agreed upon meaning is true or not.  I will take it, at this point.

I was delighted beyond words this week to learn that my friends Lloyd and Debbie will be having a house built for them.  These people have been through a terrible year- or two- and still maintain their faith and their willingness to help someone else.  So many people have been praying for them, I am sure God or the Universe finally said "ENOUGH ALREADY  I will do something nice for them!"  They are getting their long cherished dream of a home of their own.  I couldn't be happier if it were me.  It's a three day build and I am going to go out and see what I can do to help, if anything. I want to be there for them, like they are for me.

I am heading back out to 29 this weekend.  It's Pioneer Days and my daughter is taking Bobby to his first parade.  He will be a month old tomorrow.  Time flies, doesn't it?

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