Friday, October 31, 2014


I love Autumn.  It really is, as I get older, my favorite time of year.  Crisp clear days, chilly nights and warm meals simmering in the crockpot.  I loved Summer as a kid, but now it's Autumn that I love best--  EXCEPT FOR THIS

Why is every food in the world  being given a "pumpkin spice" twist?  (Wasn't she one of the Spice Girls?) I swear!  Yesterday I was at a local Mexican place and they were serving- you guessed it- pumpkin spice margaritas in a small pumpkin.  NO I did not try it.  I am boycotting all things pumpkin spice that are not MEANT to be pumpkin spice, so

No Pumpkin spice lattes
No Pumpkin spice beer
No Pumpkin spice margatitas
No Pumpkin spice body spray
No Pumkin spice soaps, handwash or body lotions
No Pumpkin Spice shampoo

I will eat pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread.  I am actually looking forward to baking some very soon.  I can't wait for this stupid marketing trend to be OVER!

1 comment:

  1. I recall your doing this last year, and enjoy reading your. Interestingly enough, twice over the weekend, I gathered with neighbors (Friday evening) and friends (Saturday evening) and the topic of how we are lucky and should be grateful came up - regarding our homes, and jobs. I am grateful for some many things, and probably don't show it or act on it enough - so perhaps, Robyn, these posts of yours will inspire me. I am grateful for (sorry you worker bees) RETIREMENT! Yes, sometimes, like today, budgeting can get a bit tricky, and sometimes there are even days where the lingering afternoons hang heavy on my hands, but not enough to outweigh the good! I am also grateful that wen I want to, I CAN go back and sub for bring in some extra money (and grateful if I don't want to, I can say no thanks!) I am always grateful for the friends in my life - since there isn't much family at all, I have created my own. Tom
    P.S. I suspect he really CAN read, so, YES, Sparky, I am ever thankful for the day you wandered into the back door of the Arroyo Seco Library and allowed me take you home.


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