Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thoughts behind the wheel

I drive twenty miles to work every day.  It takes me about an hour, so I have plenty of time to reflect on my way to and from work,  If you leave at the same time, you see some of the same cars and know what they are going to do along the way.   I got to thinking about it and here's my list of things that happen and annoy me on my daily commute:

Car Voted Most Likely to Cut me Off:  A Mercedes or a  BMW.  The likelihood ramps up exponentially if the person has a USC license plate or bumper sticker.

Car Voted Most likely to ignore My blinker and squeeze past me:  Prius.

Driver voted most likely to be having a discussion with the CHP or another driver on the shoulder; Thirty-something male with beard, who drives at breakneck speed and acts like he bought the road along with the car.  This is not one person, there seem to be an awful lot of thirty-something males who drive like this.  I call them "Testosterone Jockeys"

Most annoying bumper sticker;  The "baby on Board" STICKER.  Really?  I understand the original intent  was to warn people of possible flying object from the car when the Yuppies in the 90's wanted to declare "oooh look !  I reproduced!"   but A BUMPER STICKER?  Does that mean your child

1.  Is Always in the car?
2.  Will Always be a baby?
3. It refers to the driver who is a spoiled, petulant child and drives accordingly?

I hate the "Baby on Board' thing.

I wonder if I should be surprised  when the same car every day races ahead of the line of cars that are merging onto another freeway, as if they just noticed that they need to get over?  You're NOT that special and you  don't get to cut in front of everyone else, as if the traffic laws don't apply to you.  I don't let them in.  I'm can be a "B" like that.

How about my wave?  If I signal to get over and someone lets me in, I give them a little "thank you" wave over my shoulder.   I was taught it was polite.  When I let someone in, I think "where's my wave?"  Mostly it's people of my vintage who do the "thank you wave". The only "Wave" I  seem to get from the current generation is the kind that tells me what their I.Q is, or as I like to refer to it the "I'm Number One" salute.

Generally, I prefer driving in traffic on the week days.  It's like being in a dance where everyone knows the steps and everyone knows their part.  Weekend traffic is a preview to Hell.  It seems these people have never BEEN in traffic before and don't know the "rules' to make it an easier commute.  On the weekends, you get a lot of people who have the "I'M DRIVING HERE' attitude. There are no manners, or much less adherence to protocol, exhibited by weekend "Sunday" drivers.

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