Monday, October 27, 2014

28 years?

Yesterday marked 28 years of working in my current job.  That's TWENTY-EIGHT.  add that to the ten I have in other City jobs and you get THIRTY EIGHT.  Yikes.  Where did the time go?

When I started THIS job, I was a 28 years old.  Kate was a wish at this point, although I got pregnant with her about a week after I started this job.  I was only going to stay there 5 years, fill some gaps in my resumè  and move on to bigger and better things.  But I stayed and I am thinking today about why.

I guess first and foremost, I like what I do.  If I had designed a job that hit all my personal desire marks, I don't think I could have done a better job of it.  My job allows me to help a whole LOT of people in the City, all at once.  I help keep the doors open.

The job is a constant challenge.  My ex called me a "paper-pusher"  but that's not really it.  I am a trouble-shooter, or a troublemaker if you want to view me that way.  I work with some amazing people in other City departments who make me look good. I am lucky to have built such a network where I can talk to someone and get a resolution.  I like to think of myself as a problem solver.  Sometimes I think I am "Mom" to 72 branch libraries.  I never know what I am going to hear when I pick up the phone.

I have made some incredible friends here.  I cannot stress how much their friendship , support and love (yes love!) have strengthened me.  I only hope that someday, somehow I can repay it all.

I have had some wonderful "adventures" in this job.  The earthquakes and the Bond issues and all the branch moves have given me wonderful opportunities.  I worked for a few great bosses (and one SHINING example of how NOT to be a boss). I was made to feel part of something bigger than "just a job"; libraries are a mission.  My opinion was considered and often valued and I felt free to be creative in my approach to situations we had not encountered before.  I am either blessed or cursed, depending on how you look at it, with a large amount of common sense.  I can be a bull in a china shop about it, especially if something needs to be done quickly.  I have learned more about diplomacy on this job than I ever thought possible.  I have heard "diplomacy" defined as "telling someone to go to Hell in such a manner that they actually look forward to the trip."  Someone from General Services called me a "pit-bull"   Darn skippy!   I am cute and loveable, but don't mess with my peeps!

I hope to be able to pass on my " institutional knowledge" to someone before I leave.  The person who had this job before me left me three names and phone numbers.  I had to hunt to get HIS, as he was still a City employee and I needed some information.  One of my supervisors remarked that I had really tailored this job to who I am, and I suppose she was right.   If we define ourselves by our jobs, it's going to take a while for me to disengage.  It looks like I will be here another six years, unless I win the lotto or something, then ALL BETS ARE OFF!


  1. As someone who worked closely with Robyn for more than 20 years, and got to know her on a personal level as well, let me just add tht she doesn't put in the part about how many times (sometimes on an hour to hour basis!) that she saved my bacon. HOW MANY TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was the first thing we all thought was "CALL ROBYN!" She has a vast knowledge of where to call, whom to call, what to do - immediately if not sooner. Flooding? Vandalism? Broken windows (does that count as vandalism, too?) Hand holding? A shoulder to cry on? Higher ups to circumvent?
    She had this one boss, who shall remain nameless, who thought it might be a good idea to get rid of her. Well, if you knew that person, you could understand why they didn't get it that it would be a disaster. As I moved slightly up the food chain there were one or two folks that I was happy to be on their good side - Robyn is definitely the top priority. She took no crap, she gives no crap, but she won't sugar coat, either! Robyn, if I never thanked you when I worked there for the many times you saved me, let me do so now! Tom

  2. Thank you, Tom, for your kind words! The one boss you speak of and my "shining example" are one and the same. SHE recently retired from her job , in another system.


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