Saturday, September 5, 2015

Saturday morning coffee thoughts

It was quite a week and I am reflecting on it, as well as trying to wrap my head around the week ahead.

A while back I took a promotional exam and yesterday I found out I did not pass.  I was disappointed, but the more I think about it, the more I realize I did not really want the job and here's why:

1-  The job is mostly supervision.  I HATE supervising.  Chris observed that I am more of a hands-on  get-it -done kind of person.  I hate having to monitor and correct people's work.

2- I really like working at the Library and there is no job in that classification- that I can see- in the Department.  At this stage of my life, do I really want to go somewhere else and learn a whole new language of a new job?  Probably not.

3- Stress is NOT my friend.  While a little tension can make life interesting, I have seen the job above me and I am not sure the "cost" is worth the recompense.  Both the supervisors who work over me work longer hours and are always on call.  I can turn my phone off, they are salaried and can't.

4- I am facing some health challenges.   If things get bad, this is NOT the time to be trying to acclimate to a new position.

I need to realize that God ( or the Universe) has his plans and I need to see that although it may be not what I wanted, that it will be better in the end.

Reflecting on a recent encounter with an old friend, I realized that sometimes people from your past are in your past for a reason.  It wasn't an uncomfortable meeting, and this person is perfectly charming, but I realized that the thing that had made us friends at the time was not enough to hold a friendship together in the Now.  While I may see this person  from time to time, actively pursuing a deeper friendship is no longer on the table.  As we get older, casual friendships fall away.  Trying to maintain ties is difficult if the ties were tenuous to begin with.

Planning dinner with good friends this evening.  I have NO idea what I am making ( except for a roast chicken)  I am hoping the grocery store will provide some inspiration.   I had better get my tail in gear here.  I have "Saturday stuff" to do.


  1. You mean it isn't all planned and done yet! Hurry it up!
    (Ha ha ha ha ha - since I am one of the guests, I can say this!)
    (Like, she couldn't guess!)

  2. Ok here's what I've got- Roast chicken, roasted potatoes a salad some kind of veggie bread and an apple pie. I'm going to the store in a bit!


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